Opportunity for the legal industry

If you are in the immigration industry and are looking to attract new business, our Forum Community could be a perfect fit for you. Just follow our time-tested formula and see the results.  


How to advertise your services 

  • (recommended) Use your avatar as your company logo 
  • You can put your website’s URL or email in you profile name
  • Put as much information into your profile bio as possible 


How it works

  1. Sign up and create an attractive and easy to read profile. Remember this is how clients will reach out to you. 
  2. Login a few times a week or once a day and answer questions. Remember you can answer a question that already has been answered – there is always value to be had by providing more quality information. 


We recommend you do this for two to three months before you start seeing results. Remember, the internet does not forget, so your answers from the past will be viewed repeatedly and leads you get to your business will increase and be more consistent as a result of visitors to our forum. 


How to have success 

When answering a question your objective isn't to convert the person who's asking the question. It’s actually to convert all the scores of future readers that will be reviewing your answer.


How to fail 

  • Link-building to your domain – you will be asked to leave 
  • Harmful advice, bad language, incorrect grammar, and selling rather than advising 


Here are some powerful tips

  • You don’t have to be the one answering the questions. You can assign anyone from your organization. Just remember to give it to someone who knows the subject. 
  • Don't blatantly promote yourself in your answers. It does more harm then good (and it could get you banned from our community).   
  • When answering a question, come across like you genuinely want to help the person without any monetary gain. This will build massive amounts of trust in your future paying clients. 

Note: there is one downside to this and that is you may start getting bombarded with questions at your company's email address. To solve this problem, have a template ready letting general inquiry emails know that you charge a fee for professional help (this includes answering general question). In time you will be able to spot a great lead from a poor lead and filter them out. 

  • Links are a touchy subject with most forums. The reason is because link building spammers are ways trying to sneak in and they add no value to the community. So only share a link from your website if you have something written on your site that is helpful to the person asking a question. Try it out carefully in the beginning, build some trust with the moderators, and as a result you’ll get some leeway. 


The reward – we will help you! 

  • Once you have answered 50 questions, you can request to join Immigration and Documents Specialists community. 



Over time you will reach a high status within our community. For example, the first and most important stage is a Credited Immigration and Documents Specialist
