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  1. L

    Hello I have a question dealing with my convention refugee status . Please help

    Name :lenka Birthday: October 5th 2001 Status : convention refugee I immigrated to Canada when I was 7 or 8 years old the year 2009. I went through court with me and my family members(4 in total). In the year 2012 we got a form stating the Canadian immigration board accepted our claim thus...
  2. L

    Convention refugee help

    Okay thank you so much for responding. I appreciate it
  3. L

    Convention refugee help

    I can't see a consulate in person because it's hours away from me and I have no way of getting there . May I ask how I can contact the the consulate on the phone ? I'm in a different country and the pay is different. Do you think it'll be possible to still contact them ? Thank you so much
  4. L

    Convention refugee help

    Yes it has expired . I only had it for a month m the reasoning for not returning earlier also had to do with age . I'll be turning 18 in 3 months and I had gathered some money as well . Thank you so much for answering my questions I've been seeking for help all these days and everyone just asks...
  5. L

    Convention refugee help

    The only travel document I have is my emergency(temporarily) passport
  6. L

    Convention refugee help

    The guy at the immigration consulate in Canada Toronto downtown . He said he had 5 years to return . I don't know what he meant since I know I'll be having trouble getting back . We made our emergency passports there as we were planning to return in a month . However since my mom wasn't able to...
  7. L

    Convention refugee help

    My family didn't take the next step . We were going to but he had to wait for my father's papers to get sorted . That's what out lawyer said to do . We went to my home country using a emergency passport (the kind with a couple pages) our passports are in the Canadian immigration in the airport...
  8. L

    Convention refugee help

    I know it'll be hard coming back to Canada . However do you think it will be possible to apply for the humanitarian and compassionate grounds ? Since I didn't chose to stay I had to as my gaurdian wasn't in no way to function in addition of returning . She couldn't physical and mentally handle...
  9. L

    Convention refugee help

    Hello thank you for responding. No I do not have a PR AND I am not a permanent resident in Canada . I was a protected person in Canada . They accepted my claim in 2012
  10. L

    Convention refugee help

    i am a convention refugee since 2012 and they accepted my claim in 2012. In 2018 i had to create a emergency passport with My family (4people) due to my grandmother being Really ill. We had to go back to our home country where were all citizens . The country is in dangared which is the...