British Citizen applying for PR to Canada


New Member
Hello, i am a British citizen and currently living in BC on a working holiday visa. This 2 year visa will expire in September 2020, i want to apply for PR but have some questions first. I understand the avenues and points situation and been advised its best to speak with a consultant. However my question is:

Can i finish my IEC visa then go home for say 1 year and apply for PR from outside Canada?


Can i apply for PR now, then if it comes through before September 2020 can i leave the country to go home for a year and then return on that same PR visa or would i have to do anything again (other than entering Canada to activate it)


How long can i leave Canada for that wont result in me loosing my PR?

Hope this makes sense and thanks for any advise you may have!

Riley Haas

Staff member
There are three main categories for PR:
  • Federal Skilled Worker (education plus work experience)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (trades certification plus work experience)
  • Canadian Experience Class (Canadian work experience)
Which you qualify for depends upon your job and education.

But the short answer to your question is option 1 is better. Once you approved for PR you will have a fixed amount of time to "land" (enter Canada or have your PR confirmed) and if you do not "land" in Canada by then you lose the status. So you should not travel while your PR has been approved but before it is confirmed.

You could travel after it is confirmed, though. The residence requirement is 2 years in Canada out of every 5.