CRS Score 438


New Member
My CRS score is coming to 438 (IELTS: L-8.5, R-9, W-7, S-7.5). Even if i re-attempt IELTS, CRS would go up by 3 points max to 441 assuming I score similar marks in other sections and 7.5 in writing. Do you think I stand a chance in the federal draws or should I re-attempt IELTS?

Riley Haas

Staff member
Well the Federal draws have been really high lately. It's possible this is seasonal, and they will go back down again closer to your score in the winter, but it's also possible this is the way it's going to be now. I haven't seen any data about whether or not the average score is rising or is fluctuating with the time of year (or the length of the program). 438 is tough as there are have only been a couple draws that low in the last 2 years. 441 might have a slightly better chance, but you may be better off looking to PNPs and trying to find a job offer and see which is more fruitful.