Spousal Sponsorship "intended occupation"


New Member
My Thai girlfriend and I were married in November, full marriage with certificate, and Buddhist ceremony, 18 months into our relationship. We had spent more than 6 months together, so knew each other well. We also know that the compressed timeline will lead to an intense scrutiny of the relationship elements of the spousal sponsorship Family Class application we are preparing now.

The Generic form 0008 has spaces for current occupation and intended occupation. She had worked many years as a free lance commission sales agent, primarily in health-related products. That will not be an option for her in Canada, at least until she upgrades her mostly self-taught English. She will be taking English courses as soon as possible and for as long as necessary.

I would appreciate input as to whether simply entering "English language student" would be a reasonable and sufficient "intended occupation" in this situation. It is not economically necessary for her to earn, my retirement income is ample for both of us. I am 70, she is 50.

Riley Haas

Staff member
Well, I can't give you a great answer, as I'm just the forum admin and not a consultant, but my guess would be that "Student" is a legitimate response to this question. If you wanted to explain the situation in greater detail in your letter, that is probably a good idea.