Spousal sponsorship


New Member
Hi i would like to get some help in the immigration apply. My situation is that i'm a canadian in the province of quebec who get married with a men of cameroun (africa) in march 2015. I want to sponsor him and i saw that we can do from exterior of Canada or from interior. I saw that since december 2014 its possible to get a visa work during the treatment of sponsorship to stay in Canada. I know that the treatment is most longer thand if we present it from the exterior. So after reading many information on the subject, we think that the best solution is to get a temporary visa visitor and after he arrive we will present the spousal sponsorship at the interior of Canada. But i would like to have some advice from people who have more experiences than me before we begin the procedure. We really want to success our sponsorship so we want to take the best way.

Thank for your help and advice.


New Member
Thank you :)

Do you know some people that do this procedure? Is it good? Do you know how much approximatively immigration Canada suggest to have for a travel of 4-5 month when you are host by family?

Riley Haas

Staff member
We handle numerous sponsorship applications, though not normally Quebec ones.

I'm not exactly sure what your second question is. Travel where? Do you mean the sponsoring spouse when you say "host family"?


New Member
We want to know how much we need minimum as background saw that my husband will lodge with me and our expenses will be shared.

Riley Haas

Staff member
There's no financial requirement for spousal sponsorship. You need to meet "character" requirements:
You may not be eligible to be a sponsor if you:

  • did not meet the terms of a sponsorship agreement in the past,
    did not pay alimony or child support even though a court ordered it,
    get government financial help for reasons other than being disabled,
    were convicted of
    an offence of a sexual nature,
    a violent crime,
    an offence against a relative that resulted in bodily harm or
    an attempt or threat to commit any such offences, depending on the details of the case, such as
    the type of offence,
    how long ago it occurred and
    whether a record suspension was issued (see Sponsorship bar for violent crime below),
    were sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner in the past and became a permanent resident of Canada less than five years ago (see Five-year sponsorship bar below)
    did not pay back an immigration loan, made late payments or missed payments,
    are in prison or
    have declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.