Looking to buy a house in Windsor or near Brampton Ontario! Need advice


New Member
Hello, my family and I are looking to move to Ontario, Canada. We are currently between two areas due to my fathers work, either Windsor or Brampton. An issue we have come across is the cost of houses and the lack of houses in general. Could someone give me suggestions on working-class areas near either Windsor or Brampton. I was thinking a range between 100,000 and 180,000. So we are essentially looking for a home in a middle-class or working-class neighborhood. Any and all advice is appreciated! Thank you so much.


New Member
First it depends on your job location. If you work in Windsor area, then don't even think about Brampton, right?

Generally speaking, Brompton home prices are higher than Windsor due to their locations. Brompton is notorious for its high car insurance premium in Greater Toronto Area.

"I was thinking a range between 100,000 and 180,000. " do you mean your annual income or your ideal home prices? Please check realtor.ca to browse all houses o the market and Google "average home price in Ontario" to learn current market prices.