HELP!! Payment Information-Official Receipt


New Member
I have a question about my online payment and officail receipt. I am appyling to sponsor my wife as an outside canada - Family sponsorship. After numerous tries to pay online with different credit cards, it finally accepted my father's credit card and none of mine for some reason. Now, I printed the official receipt and I realized they require the bottom portion about the Payer Information to be filled out by hand. Since I used my father's credit card, what should I write for the Client DOB, Client ID, Address, Phone, etc. They space where a name is to be filled out was automatically filled out by CIC or the payment website, they mentioned my father's name. Please advise me on what to write for the remaning needed info. My information or my father since he is the payer. Thank you.

Riley Haas

Staff member
Someone else can pay your fees. There is nothing wrong with that. You are the client, so you need to indicate your DOB, your ID, your address, your phone, etc. Where does it say your father's name? If it lists him as the client, you will need to use white out.


Riley Haas

Staff member
Alternatively, if you do not want to use white out, you can write "on behalf of" after your father's name, and then write your name. But all the other client information needs to be yours.