I want to go to live in SK


New Member
Hi, Can anyone help me?

I am from China, now staying in Toronto with student visa. I am looking into being a PR, so I am looking at the SK's SINP ...

If I donot have any connection there, what will be the best chance to be allow to get PR status in SK?

All I can think of is get into another college diploma in Hospitality then stay there to work.... (Is this a OK way????)

Thanks for helping

Riley Haas

Staff member
I don't know much about the current state of the SINP. You should look into the stream that best suits you. But since you're already here...

When you graduate, apply for a post-graduate work permit (which is an open work permit). You should then find a job in Toronto that is considered "skilled." Work that job for a year, and you can go through Express Entry without worrying about the SINP.


New Member
Riley Haas said:
I don't know much about the current state of the SINP. You should look into the stream that best suits you. But since you're already here...

When you graduate, apply for a post-graduate work permit (which is an open work permit). You should then find a job in Toronto that is considered "skilled." Work that job for a year, and you can go through Express Entry without worrying about the SINP.

Thankyou Riley, But I thought the "express Entry" for SK was not accepting anymore new application, or did I look at the wrong information please help again


Riley Haas

Staff member
I meant the federal skilled worker, sorry I wasn't clear. If you have a year of skilled work experience in Canada, you can apply without worrying about the province.


New Member
Thanks, so I only needed to get someone to hire me for 1 year to fulfill the requirement of FSW, then I can apply for the PRcard?

Do the employer have to have a "job approval letter" like in Sk to qualify?

Where can I look for how, what's requires and what forms did I need to fill out for this "Federal Skilled Worker"

many many many thanks

Riley Haas

Staff member
So a job offer will give you a ton more points. So if you can get a job offer from an employer (either the one you work for post-graduation, or another) you will have a much easier time. But first you have to worry about the open work permit and your initial job.
Have you graduated yet? If not, when do you graduate?

This page explains Express Entry: https://www.immigroup.com/express-entry
This page tells you how the point system works: https://www.immigroup.com/news/express-entrys-comprehensive-rating-system