Sponsor your brother and sister to immigrate to Canada


New Member
Hi folks,

We all have family but is it really have to be just your parents and spouse, how about your brother and sister? Don't they deserve to be part of family? Well yes, they are family then why does Canada do not allow siblings sponsor their own blood brother and sister?

Well, its time for a change and choice is in your hand. I need your support and stand together for this change.

Please sign the below petition and encourage your family and friends. Forward through "whatsapp" , "facebook" , "twitter" and other means.

I thank each and every one of you for giving your time and effort for this big change.

Sponsor your brother and sister to immigrate to Canada

Sign this petition:-

Note: Only sign this petition if you are permanent resident or Citizen of Canada. Do not use same email address that has been used before.

"Spread the word, forward along"

I thank each and every one of you for giving your time and effort for this big change.