Immigration status


New Member
I am just about to submit my application for permanent residency under common law sponsorship. I need to submit a copy of my last entry stamp into Canada however immigration did not stamp my passport when I arrived. This presents 2 problems - I cannot provide evidence of my last access into Canada for my application, but further I do not know how long I am entitled to stay here as a temporary resident. Can you therefore tell me firstly if this presents a problem for my application (if I explain the situation) and secondly how do I find out how long my visa is valid for? I am assuming 6 months from date of entry but how can I verify that? (I do not want to overstay my welcome!) I have tried calling the CIC helpline but as appears to be the norm - I can't get through, it just kicks me off the line!

Riley Haas

Staff member
If there is no entry stamp you're allowed to stay for 6 months. But once the inland sponsorship application is submitted, you are essentially allowed to stay until you receive a decision on the application.

IRCC's helpline is awful - you're not alone in that experience.

As for not having the stamp...this is more of a question for a consultant or a lawyer. My best guess would be to submit copies of every page of your passport with a written explanation that you did not receive a stamp. (Are you American? That would explain why, probably...)