Moving already applied visitor visa application from outside Canada to within Canada


New Member
I am in a very unique situation. I am in US currently and I have Canada work visa and visitor visa for my family. We are planning to move.

But for my younger daughter Visitor visa expiry is 19 Jun 2021, due to passport expiry (all other family member visa is valid till 2023). I received the renewed passport and applied for new visitor visa on new passport back in May 2021.
Currently the application is made from US LA office, following are some questions that I am seeking answers to:-

If I attempt to enter Canada in upcoming week, is there any chance that I be denied entry since one of the passenger's Visa expiry is too close?
If successfully admitted, Can I transfer the application location from US to Canada office and update the communication address?

Riley Haas

Staff member
Are you flying? If you're flying there is possibly going to be some issue with the airline staff, depending upon how much knowledge they have. Your daughter should be free to travel to Canada through the 19th, but it's always possible that someone will not understand that. (If it's after the 19th, she likely will not be allowed on the plane and you will have to wait for the new visa.)

If you are driving there is no problem as you do not need visas to drive from the US to Canada.

The visitor visa is for travel to Canada, and approval is actually somewhat independent of whether or not someone is admitted. So if you're all admitted by the 19th, you don't need to worry about the visitor visa again until you travel outside of Canada. So there should be no rush on it being approved after that and you can just wait. You can update the address. I have no idea what this will do to the application, though. (I do not personally know how often this happens, where someone enters before an extension is approved.)