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Keyword(s): Employment in Canada

Canada vs Australia – Where should I go: Melbourne or Vancouver?

Australia compared to Canada, Melbourne compared to Vancouver The 3rd part of our series, Canada vs. Australia, where we compare Vancouver with Melbourne, two destinations that a whole lot of folks from around the planet would love to move to, or certainly stay in for a while.


Are Canadians Crazy?

Alek Minassian did not commit suicide after running over and killing 10 and injuring 14 innocent bystanders in Toronto, Canada this past year. But he did his best to get shot and killed by a policeman who had his gun drawn, but who managed to take Minassian down without a shot being fired. What is…


Canada vs Australia: Where should I go? Montreal vs Adelaide

Australia compared to Canada, Adelaide compared to Montreal While people from around the world line up to move to and settle in countries like Canada and Australia, there are also those who love to travel the world, working their way through some of the favourite spots on the planet: including of course, Canada and Australia….


Dying Towns: 10 Cities in Canada that Smart Immigrants Avoid

There are two ways to look at towns and cities whose populations are declining. On the one hand, jobs and other economic opportunities are likely scarce if people are leaving the community. On the other hand, there may be some unidentified opportunities for the entrepreneur. Maybe the business venture or discovery that will revitalize the…


Best Jobs in the – GTA

You want to immigrate to Canada but you are not sure where you want to live or what you would do with a living. Toronto is Canada’s most popular destination for new immigrants. So, you probably want to know what jobs are available in the Greater Toronto Area. Well, we’re here to help. First, we’re…


Canada vs Australia, Where should I go?

Australia compared to Canada, Sydney compared to Toronto In the most recent years Canada and Australia have become two of the biggest destination hot spots for Irish and British people who wish to work and travel. So, what’s it going to be Moose or Kangaroos? Hockey or Aussie Rules? This article will highlight the day…


Top 10 Jobs for Immigrants in Canada

Work – probably the second biggest priority for those planning to immigrate to a new country, second only to the need to secure a place to live. Canada offers a wealth of opportunities in a range of well-paid and highly skilled roles.


Saskatchewan Long Haul Truck Drivers PNP

Please note that on January 1, 2015 the way that Canada accepts permanent residents has changed. The new system, called Express Entry, represents a change in method rather than in requirements.  The Saskatchewan Long Haul Truck Drivers category under the Immigrant Provincial Nominee Program lets trucking firms bring workers to the province for jobs that…


Canadian Language Benchmark Test Nightmare

A Letter From One of Our Users: he shares his experience trying to become a permanent resident. IRCC wants him to provide French language test results, but he is a French teacher…in Canada.


How to Get a Job and Work Permit in Canada – A Beginner’s Guide

If you are planning on working in Canada as a visitor (“temporary resident” officially) you need to have complete knowledge on what is expected of you and how you can go about looking and applying for jobs. There are standard guidelines that will direct you on the right road towards getting a job that will…


Canada vs. Denmark – Where Should I Go?

Canada and Denmark are two countries that receive many immigrants from various countries around the world. Due to jobs, relationships, family bonds and education, people are in a constant search for happiness and better quality of life. But what do both nations have to offer in terms of concrete support to all these immigrants? And…


How to Apply for Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds

Your guide to Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds appeals