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Keyword(s): Alberta

Temporary Resident Permit

Denied Entry to Canada Have you been denied entry into Canada? If you have a criminal record, certain medical conditions, have violated immigration rules in Canada or other countries, have been deemed a security risk, or appear unable or unwilling to support yourself financially while you are in Canada, these are just some of the…


Top 10 Canadian Universities for International Students


Worst Canadian Cities: Cost of Living

Which Cities are the Most Expensive in Canada?


Top 10 Computer Schools in Canada

For those of you looking to further your tech education in Canada, here’s a thorough look at Canada’s top ten computer science schools.


Top 10 Immigration Friendly Countries

So you’re ready to leave your country and start a new life somewhere, but you’re not sure which destination is right for you. We picked the top ten most welcoming countries for immigrants, from the places with booming economies to the spots with the most progressive immigration policies and immigrant support services. Don’t just throw…


Your Guide to Same Sex Sponsorship in Canada

The history of same-sex sponsorship in Canada; How to sponsor your same-sex partner or spouse to Canada.


Best Med Schools in Canada

Are Canada’s medical schools up to the task of providing Canada with its future supply of healthcare professionals? How good are they, and how do they rank against the best medical schools on the planet?


Best 6 Engineering Schools in Canada

Canada’s best universities are public with tuition that is generally much more affordable than that at most American universities. But how good an education does a Canadian school give you? What is a degree from University of British Columbia, McGill, or University of Toronto worth when stacked up against the best universities from around the…


Canadian Immigrant Crime Statistics

What is the relationship between violent crime (and crime and corruption in general) and levels of trust in any given country? And how does that affect the values or the goals that immigrants from those countries might have had when they chose to start their lives over again in a new country like Canada?


Get Your Driver’s Licence in Canada

Unless you live and work in the centre or near-suburbs of one of the few biggest Canadian cities, you will often need a car for both commuting to and from work and for daily errands and activities for your new life Canada. That means that you will need a driver’s licence almost as soon as…


Top 7 Canadian Myths

It’s time to do some hard digging in the corners of Canuck culture and scoop up a few facts and myths so we can discover what exactly is genuinely Canadian. What’s True North. What’s Strong and Free. Can we say that? Free? Isn’t that too … American? Sorry. So, here’s 7 Myths about Canada that…


Best Weather in Canada

Canada is notorious for its weather. Google Canada or Canadians and you’ll get memes of Canadians doing crazy things in the deepest snow you’ve ever seen or doing something ridiculous involving ice. Is Canada really the Coldest?