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Keyword(s): immigration to Canada

Canadian Immigrant Crime Statistics

What is the relationship between violent crime (and crime and corruption in general) and levels of trust in any given country? And how does that affect the values or the goals that immigrants from those countries might have had when they chose to start their lives over again in a new country like Canada?


Immigration Canada – CIC is IRCC

Do you get confused between CIC and IRCC? Do you wonder whether they’re different departments of Canada’s immigration authorities?


Illegal Immigration in Canada

Illegal immigration to Canada is not a game, although sometimes it may feel like one – a very tough game where you often lose. If you think you can beat the system, think again.


How to Immigrate to Canada by Opening a Franchise

Opening a business in Canada is one of the best ways of immigrating to Canada. But starting a new business from scratch can be incredibly tough. That’s where franchises come in. Opening a franchise instead of a brand new business can be an easier way to getting started in business in Canada, and immigrating to…


6 Worst Immigration Form Errors for Canada

To ensure that your application has a good chance of being accepted, however, there is one golden rule: Try not to make any mistakes on your application form or during any part of your application process.


Best Online IELTS Courses

What are the best online IELTS courses? Because unless your English is top-notch and you are already familiar with the IELTS exam format, preparing for something as important as an English Language Test will be vital if you want a good score that will help you get where you’re going.


Income Requirement for Canadian Spousal (and other Family) Sponsorship Applications

It is a common misconception that there is a specific income requirement to be able to sponsor your spouse to Canada. While you must meet a concrete requirement to sponsor most other family members, there is usually no such income requirement at all for spousal sponsorship applications. However, there is an exception to this: If…


Get Your Driver’s Licence in Canada

Unless you live and work in the centre or near-suburbs of one of the few biggest Canadian cities, you will often need a car for both commuting to and from work and for daily errands and activities for your new life Canada. That means that you will need a driver’s licence almost as soon as…


Bring Your Surrogate Child to Canada

Should Canadian surrogate parents who had their surrogacy done overseas be worried about their ability to bring their child to Canada?


Entering Canada with a DUI or DWI criminal conviction

If you have been convicted of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in the last ten years, or more than once ten years ago or longer, you are what is known as “criminally inadmissible to Canada.” This means that if you try to enter Canada from the USA or any…


How to Get Your NEXUS Card in 3 Steps

Get Help Now – Let us help you get your NEXUS card Who Needs a NEXUS Card and Why? Enrolment in the Nexus Trusted Traveller Program is available to citizens and permanent residents of Canada and the US. Having a NEXUS card will enable you to clear customs more quickly as well as offering additional…


Border Horror Stories

The Canadian-US border is supposed to be ‘the world’s longest undefended border.’ But every single day, people experience emotional and sometimes physical hardships whlie just trying to cross to shop or travel. If you would like to share your terrible experience of crossing the Canadian-US border, please write us. Originally published June 2014, Updated May…